"From Then 'Til Now" by Roots Architects

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13 - (Part 20)

A collection of related Thoughts 
from Mightyful13 Records

2301) *The inhumane rules are an injustice used to finance the system that oppresses the righteous. {FRF}

2302) *Don't force yourself into limitations because of self-doubt and lack of self-confidence. {FRF}

2303)  *The change you want only happens when you do it. {FRF}

2304) Leadership is not about being at the front, a good leader knows what it takes to follow, or rule from the depths. {FRF}

2305)  *Self-doubt is a deterrent to progressing oneself. {FRF}

2306)  *Evolution is constantly happening, get defeated by it or be a part of it. {FRF} 

2307) Be one of the solution-driven mindset and be forgiven, it creates harmony and an internal state of equanimity. {FRF}

2308) *The psychological, medical, political, and religious assassination of those who oppose
negativity seems to be on course for attainment, regardless, it will never be as long as positivity and the spiritual keep up the resistance. {FRF}

2309) *Force not yourself trying to reverse the unresolved, giving worthy to the unworthy and the irreparable to the err. {FRF}

2310)*The cohesive means of liberation may seem elusive but those who are of the same mindset will bring some moral ascendancy. {FRF}

2311) *The strength of the human spirit is our resilience to revitalize our souls despite the dehumanizing circumstance by the oppressors. Be energized by what can never be taken away. {FRF}

2312) Put your value on the validity and vitality of spiritual immortality and your vision will be the vehicle of change. {FRF}

2313) *Utilize your minimal possession to attain an effective result. {FRF}

2314) *Until geographical borders are invisible, racial discrimination erases, religious beliefs are neutralized, and economic strife is replaced with love, nothing will change. {FRF}

2315) *Even if people disapprove, self-validation and happiness are the ultimate. {FRF}

2316) *Trying to persuade the unpersuaded is equally difficult as educating the ignorant who wish not to learn. {FRF}

2317) Most times it is better to share your problem with the wind because it will returneth according to its orbits instead of people's ears. {FRF}

2318) The complaints worry about the toughness of the rocks, the solution-driven finds a comfortable place to sit. {FRF}

2319) Some are interested in the private life of others when it can be used to discriminate against them. {FRF}

2320) We pay more attention to the questions that have no answers and the ones that we are the answers to never get any. {FRF}

2321) *Most time abuse is construed as a discipline and creates lifelong trauma for the victims. {FRF} 

2322)  "Contentment doesn't come from being poor or rich, but from having a peaceful mind knowing that you envy no one. {FRF}

2323) *No vacancy can lead to vagrancy. {FRF}

2324)  not the unanswerable questions, the unresolvable solutions, and empathy from unsympathetic or expect an explanation from the inexplicable because the goodness of life is imperishable. {FRF}

2325)  Some of us are so brilliant that the only education we cherish is what we learned or adopted from our oppressors. {FRF}

2326) *Emotions must not be regulated by factual truth. {FRF}

2327) *The truth is impartial and always invites us to be natural whenever we accept it. {FRF}

2328)  *Even your lack of interest and paying no attention is important because it makes my love grow more. {FRF}

2329) *The acceptance of women’s suffering is applauded among those who are threatened by their independence. {FRF}

2330)  *It’s not regarded as important if it is not about integrity. {FRF}

2331) *Sometimes it's better to find comfort around those who made you uncomfortable because they live a life with no pretense. {FRF}

2332)  *They compound their problem with your problem and when you solve yours, they become a bigger problem than all the problems combined. {FRF}

2333)  *If you go around a professional person or place and don't have any business ethics or monetizing ideas, immediately you become a mendicant. {FRF} 

2334) The wind has no color just like love, but when it takes on any tangible form, all living things become a storm. {FRF}

2335) Information without inspiration leads to confusion, and inspiration gives information acceptance. {FRF}

2336) A million ears can be linked to nothing while a single person's ears can be connected to millions of ears. {FRF}

2337) Put your value on the validity and vitality of spiritual immortality and your vision will be the vehicle of change. {FRF}

2338) The strength of the human spirit is our resilience to revitalize our souls despite the dehumanizing circumstance by the oppressors. Be energized by what can never be taken away. {FFR}

2339) No one has the authority to question the faith of another person, especially those who are nihilistic. {FRF}

2340) Every one of Us who talks about love has a fraction of hate because we know what evil does. {FRF}

2341)  Every consequence of life has an inevitable cycle of human and spiritual affairs, whether it happened carelessly or carefully. {FRF}

2342)  oracular of wisdom is unfathomable and admirable, it is infinite and wo/manifest through his people. {FRF} 

2343) Until we deconstruct our minds from the ideology, philosophy, and theology of the colonizers, kidnappers, and oppressors, we will forever remain in mental servitude by their teachings. {FRF}

2344) *When you repudiate the story of your growth, you automatically detached yourself from the glory of life. {FRF}

2345)*An emerging superstar understands the process of indispensable growth instead of the mediocre hype that will eventually disappear. {FRF}

2346)*Don't use your ill environment as an explanation to do wrong or use it as an excuse not to do good or shows an amenity. {FRF}

2347)*Intrusive thought can only be defeated by positive affirmation and self-love. {FRF}

2348) *More people know of you because of the impact you made in their lives rather than trying to impress them. {FRF}

2349) His excellent wonders and blessings are marvelous. {FRF}

2350) *Payola transforms the consumption of music into mediocrity because of what was been paid to be played. The quantitative has become the quantifies. {FRF}

2351) *It is so unlonely being alone especially when whose attention means a lot pays no attention. {FRF}

2352) *I have traveled the road of yes only to find out the hidden no's that are available. {FRF}

2353)*The vortex has been closed and that is why so many of Us are caught in purgatory. {FRF}

2354) *An assembly of orders was eroded by the celebration of the masses. {FRF}

2355)*The uncertainty and impermanence of life have taught us to cherish every moment we live, the people we meet, and the lessons we learn. {FRF}

2356) *The transience of life must not be measured by achievement in years or days but by the ebb and flow, the movement, the repose, the ups, and downs but by each breath, we take secondly. {FRF}

2357) *Those who are of great importance to us knowingly and unknowingly must be bestowed with gratitude and grace because the ages of time have recorded every bad and good, all the wrongs and rights we did, have done, and are doing, and the imperfections that may or will contribute to our downfall. {FRF}

2358) There is no secret in righteousness, and only our conscience shall keep us free and give us a peaceful mind. {FRF}

2359) Falsehood can cause a domino effect on your character so be careful and do your research before disseminating misinformation to the public. {FRF} 

2360) *A loyal person never conceives betrayal from those to whom they give their all. {FRF}

2361) *We can free our minds from the memories of our past but we will not flee from our Africanselves. {FRF}

2362) *Good communication is an important thing in life, it creates a connection that assists each other to be better than who they were before. {FRF}

2363) *A good leader sways people to follow and the other way around. {FRF}

2364) *Life bears many fruits for critical-thinking minds and those who eat from it to be healthy will find it fulfilling. {FRF}

2365) *The Legality Against Wickedness to life is threatened by those who are in defiance of doing good. {FRF}

2366) *Being comfortable without security is stagnation because life has a slippery slope of uncomfortableness that keeps us going. {FRF}

2367) *So many of us are micro examples of macro problems. {FRF}

2368) *When the quantitative is equivalent to the qualitative it makes living beautiful. {FRF}

2369) *It is good to have opposing opinions, life is not about being agreeable with everything everyone says or does. {FRF}

2370) *Incendiary rhetoric is dangerous, refrain from it. {FRF} 

2371) *Equipollent is a myth of time. {FRF}

2372) *Some say that they care, but find themselves careening out of control because of jealousy. {FRF}

2373) *Loyal to loyalty can be extremely disloyal, loyalty is for those who treat you with high esteem. {FRF}

2374) *The people are so programmed that they don't give answers anymore, it's a synswer. {FRF}

2375) *The credibility of the victim is always in question while the accuser is praised. {FRF}

2376) *Listening to positive music and focusing intently on the words or tune can help elevate your thoughts. {FRF}

2377) *Navigate your mind through the tests of time. {FRF}

2378) *If the greetings are cordial, embrace them with open arms and mind. {FRF}

2379)  *Be your greatest fan else you will be living off a reputation and not character. {FRF}

2380) *Once you try to exist in a state of freedom you will be demonized by those who are critical of your progress. {FRF}

2381) *Art expresses the spirit of the human mind, intellect, and imagination. {FRF}

2382) *Align yourself with those who have the same values when it comes to prioritizing integrity. {FRF}

2383)*Anger is so polarized that envy has invaded the minds that people would do or say anything to aggrandize their livelihood. {FRF} 

2384) *If the reggaelution is not revelatory of a reinterpretation, it is an allegory, plagiarism, or a fabrication of the African origin. {FRF}

2385) *Nothing is wrong with theology, it is those who use it to disguise their subjugation of a people, especially against the less fortunate. {FRF}

2386) *If you want to attain you must first acknowledge what you originate. {FRF}

2387) *Once your plan is the purpose nothing changes even if you have a delay. {FRF}

2388) *The unforeseen occurrences of life can and will happen to any one of us, however, our devotion to correctness and self-forgiveness will fulable us to ascend from the burden of guilt to reconciliation. {FRF}

2389) *You can never escape from your conscience, it dictates what is impeccable. {FRF}

2390) *Word of mouth is the greatest social media. {FRF}

2391) *People's difference has become a great source of garnering wealth for some. {FRF}

2392)*Celebrate your failure and you will treasure your success. {FRF}

2393) *One's artistic views may not be wrong or right but it is an expression of life experiences that require attention. {FRF} 

2394) *The perplexity most people find themselves in is characterized by their immorality and the low-mindedmess lifestyle they choose. {FRF}

2395) The feelings of gratitude and the spirit of acceptance will always come from those who overpower their rejection because of your kindness. {FRF}

2396) *Verbiage can be deceiving, be selective. {FRF}

2397) *Let your enthusiasm and your passion be the fuel of your purpose. {FRF}

2398) *Align or synchronize yourself with people of proficiency and resources and you will progress steadily. {FRF}

2399) Fight the unpredictable ordeal tenaciously against the pang of defeat in all walks of life and victory will be sure. {FRF}

2400) *His insight wasn’t only the result of his beliefs but also due to his ability to assimilate into other cultures by singing about their struggle. {FRF}

* Exclusive for Reggaediscography

Check out:
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 19)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 18)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 17)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 16)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 15)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 14)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 13)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 12)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 11)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 10)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 9)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 8)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 7)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 6)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 5)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 4)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 3)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 2)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 1)

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