"From Then 'Til Now" by Roots Architects

Monday, September 12, 2022

Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13 - (Part 19)

A collection of related Thoughts 
from Mightyful13 Records

2201) *I am impressed with the imprest fund given to pay for my expenses.{FRF}

2202) *Stop giving attention where there is no support and ignore where it genuinely exists.{FRF}

2203) *Winning doesn't make you the best or the greatest, doing it with integrity does.{FRF}

2204) *A supplement is not a disagreement. {FRF}

2205) *Apprecilove life and apricate in the sun and have a lot of fun. {FRF}

2206) *Verbalized your thoughts to galvanize the effect.{FRF}

2207) *The cosmetic world has s taken away the origin of who people are and the purpose Jah create them to be. {FRF}

2208) *Caring comes from listening attentively with empathy.{FRF}

2209) *Voracious readers have a great appetite for good literature. {FRF}

2210) *The music scene has changed into a scission instead of a session that has caused a recession. {FRF}

2211) "Rejecting those who have importance to your moral development will lead to a travesty. {FRF}
2212) *I don't think being honest required any adjective, it's either you speak it or remain silent.{FRF}

2213) *The need for what is yours does not conflict with the needs for what is not.{FRF}

2214) *Work of the heart creates more results than working hard, it's the diligence you possess. {FRF} 

2215)  *Greatness and achievement look the same, notwithstanding, achievement can be inherited but greatness comes with persistence and continuity. {FRF}

2216) *If you separate the art form of the artist it leaves you with an ist without a zest. {FRF}

2217) *Self-improvement comes from stopping complaining, acknowledging the failure, and keeping working. {FRF}

2218) *Comfort and peace of mind are more guaranteed sleeping on the floor of your own home rather than in someone else's luxurious bed filled with chaos..{FRF}

2219) *Some people will do you bad just to be happy, and disrupt your good by doing you wrong so be strong. {FRF}

2220) *Amid the struggle, there is a way of preference for doing something no one is doing. {FRF}

2221) *The goodness of doing good is good, and it is good doing good to those who have a good mind and heart. {FRF}

2222) *Complacency can be a myth, it's like traveling on a smooth and lovely road, and then suddenly it collapsed. {FRF}

2223) *Music of hate divides people, that of love gathered them to dance and sing in harmony. {FRF}

2224) *Some people are best living apart than together because their lifestyle is much different from yours. {FRF} 

2225) *If the plateau on which we stand doesn't facilitate us to see the incoming, then we must strive to go higher. {FRF}

2226)  *God the unseen is the most famous yet those who are chasing fame want to be seen in everything they do.{FRF}

2227) *The word created the world and if you live life long loyally and livid, you will cherish the old in it. {FRF}

2228) *Lessening your circle is part of comprehending what good life is about, and making space for the genius ones. {FRF}

2229) *One of life's greatest experiences is to unlearn the way of envy, hatred, and deceit. {FRF}

2230) *Despite their teachings, find the perfect techniques to unlearn the great miseducation. {FRF}

2231) *Among the great divide, is to unlearn the criminalization of our foreparents and glorify their civilization. {FRF}

2232) *We are afraid of being ourselves just because we think that we are children of followers. {FRF}

2233) *We have prayed so much that our only solution was to become the work. {FRF}

2234) *Learning is universal and unlimited, however, the power to unlearn erroneous teaching is limited to the minds. {FRF} 

2235) *It's easier said than done for those who don't live in an environment where sexual orientations are parallel with economic development or growth. {FRF}

2236) *We all love to have sex yet it is a problem when we are reminded of how it is being done. {FRF}

2237) *Loving one another is bestowing each other the right to be and feel what being free is. {FRF}

2238) *Don't let living in sadness be the fuel for someone's happiness. {FRF}

2239) *Distance may isolate us but communication will keep us in symmetry. {FRF}

2240) *The person who you despise a glass of water can be your saviour in times of your misfortune. {FRF}

2241) Love is isochronous and thinking good is contemporaneous, it is the incarnated force of the infinite being. {FRF}

2242) *The heavy burden that you labour to achieve can only be lightened if you have a clear conscience. {FRF}

2243) *Some people earned from doing nothing, and by doing nothing they inherited many things. {FRF}

2244) *The apex of accomplishment is when a person has the power to make people react. {FRF}

2245) *Revolution brings change, change is an evolution that inspires education. {FRF}

2246) *Gratitude must be reciprocated, so never take it for granted. {FRF}

2247) *Some people's relationships are transactional, there is nothing loyal about It. {FRF}

2248) *We continue looking to the wolves as a savior and when we are eaten we cry out about injustice. {FRF}

2249) *To remain in behavioral and physical toxicity is most harmful to the mind. {FRF}

2250) *Financial Literacy is subject that we as black people continue to fail miserably. {FRF}

2251) *Showing esteem for life and appropriate principles of a person is the highest quality of human decency. {FRF}

2252) *Once you conform to people's beliefs and practices you will be loved, and if you don't, you are an opposition. {FRF}

2253) *Great are those who turn their vision into reality so the eyes can see, the ears will hear, and the tongues shall tell including the disabled with signs and gestures. {FRF}

2254) *A funeral procession can bring the enemy together even if they are not sitting or standing beside each other. {FRF}

2255) *It's not the healthiest person who lives longer all the time, the unhealthy who have the financial security to maintain their medication will outlive those who can't. {FRF}

2256) *If the art of the deal is not real, it can be the heart of the steal. {FRF}

2257) *Our spirituality is what formulates our emotional intelligence for humanity. {FRF}

2258) *The truth has more permanence than anything else. {FRF}

2259) *Reciprocity creates the equilibrium to do what's good. {FRF} 

2260) *Those who are appointed by no one are most dangerous than those who do because they do not commit to the rights of the people. {FRF}

2261) *The evidential proportion bears evidence of the truth. {FRF}

2262) *A person who knows failures can give you the best advice on how to get prosperous in your venture. {FRF}

2263) *Don't let your intention express hatred, instead, let it have a positive impact on others. {FRF}

2264) *It's time-wasting watering fake grass, it will never grow. {FRF}

2265) *If your expectation is not built on something designed to fail you can't get discouraged when it does. {FRF}

2266) *Place, people, and things will have some effect on you, but what you reflect outwardly can affect you more positively. {FRF}

2267) *Songs created out of the divine mind are different from that those that are made from the genital, nevertheless, both are the human experience. {FRF}

2268) *The greatest accomplishment is to have integrity and human decency. {FRF} 

2269) *The discipline of the mind and, self-control develop the greatest of patience so nurture it like a seed. {FRF}

2270) *Human decency and the moral obligation of life are the greatest accomplishments of anyone. {FRF}

2271) *Some are so afraid of going to the Dr for a check-up but are quick to chastise those who do to have an awareness of any illness. {FRF}

2272) *Failucation is the medium by which we all learn and unlearn how and what to do in times of adversity. {FRF}

2273) *The possibility is like the sunshine that no one can deny so strive to be happy. {FRF}

2274) *I am no g.o.a.t, but the b.o.a.t that sails beyond the horizon of time. {FRF}

2275) *It's not the healthiest person who lives longer all the time, even the unhealthy who have the financial security to maintain their lifestyle will outlive those who can't. {FRF}

2276) *The sunrise and sunset can be missed if you are not present, and so are many opportunities. {FRF}

2277) *Religion can impair the visions of your reality, spirituality gives insight. {FRF}

2278) *Be what you hope for because you may not find it outside of yourself. {FRF} 

2279)  *Image is less important when you are living the life of an impeccable human being. {FRF}

2280) *The apex of accomplishment is when a person has the power to make people react. {FRF}

2281) *Revolution brings change, change is an evolution that inspires education. {FRF}

2282)  *Gratitude must be reciprocated, so never take it for granted. {FRF}

2283) *Some people's relationships are transactional, there is nothing loyal about It. {FRF}

2284) *We continue looking to the wolves as a savior and when we are eaten we cry out about injustice. {FRF}

2285) *To remain in behavioral and physical toxicity is most harmful to the mind. {FRF}

2286) *Lip service against evil is parallel to one's inaction or doing nothing to conquer it. {FRF}

2287) *Violence is not a virtue of the good, however,  the defense of life and liberty is. {FRF}

2288) *The sales projection and intangible assets make a lot of people a billionaire, however, this can change in an instant. {FRF}

2289) *Evil is a distraction to lie, and Good is an attraction to live. {FRF}

2290) *Material things are tangible, limited, and can be defined, time is intangible, limitless, and undefined. {FRF}

2291) *The telegenic spokespersons are using social media to amplify rhetoric of lies and fear to fuel hate and violence. {FRF}

2292) *Vulgarity breeds insanity and immorality. {FRF}

2293) *Inventions come from the imaginary mind and inspirational thought. {FRF}

2294) *Of all the anti-terminology that exists, there are none eviler than misotheism or anti-god. {FRF}

2295)  *One of humans' greatest impotence is lacking the ability to utilize their minds positively and consciously. {FRF}

2296) *Attribute your accomplishments to good teachings, it keeps you focused on doing what's right. {FRF}

2297)  *Be a fan of the art and show gratitude to the people who make the sacrifice to establish it. {FRF}

2298) *The anticipation of the projection is based on the trajectory to foresee the progression. {FRF}

2299)  *People get deceived by the applause not knowing it was only for amusement, outside of that they are just nevermost human beings. {FRF}

2300) *Not every change must be embraced, but it should be acknowledged because it could be destruction or redemption. {FRF}

* Exclusive for Reggaediscography

Check out:
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 18)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 17)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 16)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 15)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 14)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 13)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 12)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 11)
Thoughts of MIGHTYFUL13  (Part 10)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 9)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 8)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 7)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 6)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 5)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 4)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 3)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 2)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13     (Part 1)

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