December 2015
Cheers and Charity
There's no easy way
Out of the struggles we face everyday
Children are at risk
And needed assistance quick
Have they ever wonder, how we stayed alive?
Keeping healthy, stable and wise
Yet all we see is...
Cheers and charity
Funds scarce and demands are plenty
Cheers and charity
Working to pay bills
While pockets are empty
Everyone like to have their flex
Earning honestly,without the complex
Being what they want to be
Outapendent and free
Holding their fate in hand
Responsible actions
Keeping faithful and strong
In this cheers and charity
Funds scarce and demands are plenty
There are things to be done
And Jah love is the foundation
Unite to create resolution
For the young generation
So they can conqueror sufferation
While chanting songs of liberation.{FRF}
November 2015
Gospel of Life
I travel on the wing of the winds
In boundless space
I mediation focuses
On the energy center
Within the isciousness
Seeing the trace of righteousness
General manifestations
Of Jah Tafari forces
Becoming one
With the iniverse
And the infinity sources
I hail His and Her Imperial Majesty
With honor and glory
This gospel of life
Is a true and living story.{FRF}
There are many things I wish not to learn
As they say
One will reap what they sow
The lessons of life
Have its tortuous paths
To trod them all
Comes with various wrath
If you don't realize what's best
But once you do
Surely, there will be no contest.{FRF}
Mother Earth Cries
Mother Earth cries
Father Time kept the record
Of those who seems not to care
Mankind inventions cause ruins
Almost beyond repair
Industrial pollution
Oil spilled oceans
Ozone layer dissipating
While some stop and stare
Archeologists digging
Astronomers studying stars
Religious believers doubting self
Are they real serious
About living on Mars
Mother Nature laughed
Father Time behold
The story of life
Which is often told
Children of Creation
To every action is a reaction
And none can save another's soul.{FRF}
October 2015
We are
We are of the womb of Our mother
We came from the Oracle of Our father
Birth upon the winds
And delivered on the sea
Incarnated souls, we came into being
Coloured by the burning Sun
Fed from a botanical garden
Drank the water of life
Maintaining yesledge of time, resource, and daily living
While the works goes on in holy thanksgiving
We are not of this world
So we live in it
Perusing men ideology
Who proclaim as if they have the genealogy
Analysing things scientifically
We refused to learn that which cannot be taught
To avoid the great distraught
We give all praises unto the Most High Jah
For this womb/manifestation here on earth. {FRF}
Autumnal Equinox
Astronomically, Autumn begin
Hot Ms Summer disappeared like sin
Bright blue sky
Now becomes grey
Green leaves turned orange,yellow and red
Fallen from the trees
Spreading over the ground
Just like a bed
Recycled, rot or decay
Shorter night, longer day
Equinox time is here
Centered Sun on the celestial sphere
Rays now curving over the horizon
This change has come for a reason
We all shout, it's fall
While some reason
Let us prepare for cooler seasons.{FRF}
Children of Light
From the womb into this world
Cometh the children of light
Shining through humanity
And all dimensions of Iration
Opaque to those who rejected
Clairvoyance for the elected
Though so simple
It's more than to live and die
To be bury or place in a tomb
The blessings of Jah glow like the moon.{FRF}
Undocumented Immigrants
Undocumented immigrants
Can you withstand their laws
Warrant out
Like a claws
Do you have your evidence
How you get pass their fence
Is it border smuggling
Or by human trafficking
Some came here on valid visa
Whilst others try different things
Without compliance
All of us are the same thing
Some are married
Many getting divorced
Few becomes citizen
Some Green card holder
Others being deport
Once upon a time we was called
Banana boat man
Taken from Africa
Brought here on the Indian land
With the lost of life
To declare we are human
Now they classified us
To be illegal immigrants
Even when you're allowed in
And doesn't have the eagle stamp.{FRF}
Tour Bus
What's the purpose of a tour
Is it to be famous
Pleasing fans
Or becoming financial secure
Traveling on the big Tour bus
From state to state
Country to country
Performing to sold out capacity
On center stage
Earning maximum wage
Delivering a yessage
To multi colors ppl
Of all ages
Sometimes contemplating
What the conclusion gonna bring
Just loving the vibration
And the songs that you sing
Making Promoters happy
Recouping invested money
Is their ultimate plan
Whether it snow, sunny or rain
At the end of the tour
Is not what you earned
But what is saved.{FRF}
As green as the grass
So is the fern
Worth more than money
Which no one can earn
To protect its environ
Is of great concern
As best I can discern
Like no other
For it I yearn
Its life cycle
Cannot be compared to none
The radiance beauty
Glowing in the sun
Adequate moisture and shade
Organic soil
Keep it on parade
Morning, midday and afternoon
Nurture it under the moon
To void and prevent it
From withering too soon.{FRF}
Let not love turn to hate
And fate to fuss
Nor passion into confusion
By giving less for much
Broken home breed distrust
And will fall to the dust
So if we can't see eye to eye
It shouldn't create a negative vybz
Once we can have a liv-alogue
In moving forward
For sure it will have an epilogue.{FRF}
September 2015
I Never Choose Music
I never choose music
It elected me
And since then
I can't refuse it
I don't chase music fame
Cause I know it's no game
It takes me all over the globe
To various festivals and shows
Even though there are many players
The heights come with great desire
Sleepless nights and itinual prayers
On a serious note
One has to be careful of what they wrote
Because in the end
We all want to maintain
Upfulness that keep it sustained.{FRF}
Jah is the Master of thy time
Excellent is thy spirit
Clear is thy iscience
Accurate is thy mind
Perfect is thy divine
Upful is thy thinking
Righteousness is thy doing
Magnificent is thy work
Narrow is the way travels
Blessings is thy reward
Peaceful will be thy departure
Jah is the Master of thy time. {FRF}
Life's Synergy
How I think
You may never see
And what I interpret
Will not be perceived
The Jah I praise
You might not conceive
At the end of the day
You won't be deceive
Is of the past
I present story
So divine and vast
As like the sun
It will always last
Chronological order is a fact
Life's synergy are in tact
Now that I am riding high
To behold the beautiful sky
Above the clouds
Chanting loud
Ras Tafari in whom I'm proud.{FRF} [c 2015]
I don't praise Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Yahweh, or any of their Gods.
I acknowledges no Government
Vatican City or honor the Pope
Nor going around quoting scriptures
While seeking hope
I see no Kings, Priests or Prophets
Neither do I believe in any churchical trinity
Only the divinity
And monotheistic kingciple
Of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I
The first
I chant Nyahbinghi
Night and day
To destroyed spiritual wickedness
In low and high places
All ends of the earth
I Hail Mama Empress Menen I
The equilibrium of humans life
And give all reverence
To Jah Ras Tafari
Right here on Earth.{FRF}
Check out:
August 2015
December 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
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