Last updated: August 2015
A collection of related quotes and comments from Mightyful13
801] Without Jah, we will be like a ship sailing on the ocean and have no navigation directing the voyage. {FRF}
802] Never dictate to a person about cleaning the filth of their house when yours is in a deplorable condition especially when you are a known quidnunc. {FRF}
803] Once the edict or decretum of the I Majesty is nonadhering, we will all fall away from the kingciples of life to become unheedingly foolish.{FRF}
804] It's not the amount of recordings an artist does make them a brand. It's their performing ability which attract the patrons so they can become promoter's gross income source without liability. {FRF}
805] Once Jah Lord open the door, without hesitation enter immediately because there will be no failure. {FRF}
806] If I don't speak to you, it doesn't mean we have an issue. And I won't chastise you for your stance.
Each have their own way of learning and to be judgmental can be discerning.
Once there's life, all it need is to be concerning because no one like to be mourning. {FRF}
807] When Jah granted you the latitude and leverage of life, just be real in all your presentation or you can lose the zeal.{FRF}
808] Beware of those who will share misguiding compliments, knowingly that what you do maybe not of the highest standards but deny to tell the truth which will makes you mighty in self, than a hype talk.{FRF}
809] The eyes and wisemind is the mirror of the soul. Looking beyond the realms of Jah is an illusion in the first degree.{FRF}
810] Some ppl are so filled with homosexualities they become so immune that they are always looking backwards. {FRF}
811] Divinity is an ultra eyes. It see beyond the natural and physical realm. {FRF}
812] Excellence is a choice we all wish to achieve in the qualitative decisions that we made. To reach such paramount heights, it takes an unrelenting commitment to accomplish the pursuit of the goal.
Once Jah i-sent, there's no descent. {FRF}
813] How much more one can be than their self, after being born the way they are?
Adaptation is different from originality so be careful. {FRF}
814] My Love for you is every 60 seconds of the clock for all 60 minutes, 24 hrs daily and 365 or 366 days of the year.{FRF}
815] Depending on another can put you in isolation of
Jah works. Waiting to be aid by others will drives you in desolation from things you deserve. Been around the right person gives you a great sense of motivation and maximum satisfaction. {FRF}
816] Jah is always there for us all no matter the man made catastrophes. We just need to be aware of his ever present and existence. {FRF}
817] Dont be captivate by the lies and deceit of our enemy,never hesitate to adhere unto Jah's commandment irrespective of the challenges that we face each day. Jah has great things up His sleeve and will never disappoint us. {FRF}
818] Jah the Irator of life created Us to be intimates allies of free will, and He never change or give up on Us. Even as we write He still seeks his allies. Not good church, religious believers, or they that think self righteously; but those who remain in His command wholeheartedly.{FRF}
819] Jah is the bridge which most cannot foresee because of their fear and doubt crossing; or it may never exist. As the earth was created before us all, so is the ground of our blessings.{FRF}
820] Once it's not your time to shine, never force it. And don't go surfing when the sea is calm.{FRF}
821] Jah have a charge on every single one of us, so lets not fool ourselves. Accept with a clear conscience acquitted one from all judgement.{FRF}
822] The hardest truth is to admit a lie you love; and deny accepting the truth of the lie who you are.{FRF}
823] Be thankful of your gain even through the pain because you can have what is yours in the palm of your hands and due to unthankfulness it disappear or diffuse like vapor into midair.{FRF}
824] Seek for the love you want and not for the one you can't. Goodness are like a fruitful tree waiting to be nurtured and cared for. {FRF}
825] Pay attention most where it's given, and not where there is negligence. {FRF}
826] I'm more than certain that the talk about One Love, Sexual and Racial Equality, Justice, Free Speech, Religious and Political free will, is nothing but a fleeting illusion which can never be attained.
The emancipation of one's own mind from such atrocities is the only reality that stand between life, Age, Pain and death. {FRF}
827] The Earth/Universe was created accurate and perfect before dominion was given. Jah say he would never give Us more than we can bear, so why the destructions mankind created Jah should bear and be the solution of them?
Don't test the Lord thy Jah, else you will all find yourselves wanting.{FRF}
828] When the day's celebrations over, the fatherly/motherly responsibilities still have to be maintained. Parenthood is never-ending. {FRF}
829] The truth is a gospel of a story we all living in. Write yours well because only time will tell. {FRF}
830] Give the youths them guns and aummo and they will become legal or illegal criminal. Give them drums, bass, keyboards, guitars, horns, etc and some microphones; and they will become singers and players of instruments. {FRF}
831] I only ask Jah for length of years, Ivine guidance and healthy days, to be humane and never craze. Polite, attitudes I live to obey as I yes Jah is the Author of the Way. {FRF}
832] Be careful of who is getting less of your interest because the ones who are deserving it received no attention and have you more at heart. {FRF}
833] Once it not someone in their circle speak or do what is right and true, it will be no good for them. {FRF}
834] Some will scorn their own garbage but will feel so proud throwing away the shit of others. {FRF}
835] Take away free speech from a King and he will have a King dumb, do it to a Kween and she will be a Kween dumb. Give them both the right of way and you will have King and Kween high ways to travel safe all day. {FRF}
836] Speak not with those who makes your feelings bitter and mostly with those who makes you feel better. Life is too precious wasting time with idlers who's ways are as melting butter in the blazing sun {FRF}
837] I do care so much that I don't care about what they think. And I don't care about what they do because the ways of Jah is right in their view. {FRF}
838] The life of living may look pale and disillusioned at times, but the living of life is simple even with the existing obstacles. Be sure; Jah Almighty is real as the Sun. {FRF}
839] A honest lie or a dishonest truth which one would you choose to refute? It may sound oxymoron yet it's not coming without assurance.{FRF}
840] Those who dare always care of the earth's atmosphere and all people who dwell therein. {FRF}
841] If you suppress what a person seems right unto them, they will rebel against it and may act violently. If you grant the wish they choose without condoning, then you will see a more humble reaction. {FRF}
842] Show the way to someone traveling on life's journey not knowing their destination will be hazardous if they don't have the wit of resistance to fuldure what's lie ahead. {FRF}
843] Social Media is the biggest political and churchical platform where ppl advocate and profess the most righteousness yet so hypocritical, partial, prejudice and sinful energy. {FRF}
844] Don't climb to the top of the hill and becomes complacent, because the same energy it take to be there is the same coming down but the speed to reach the bottom will be much faster.{FRF}
845) If off-key recordings becomes illegal today, so many artists, engineers, producers, radio personalities, selectors and distributors would be in prison.{FRF}
846) We must accept the results of our teaching from those who have learned.{FRF}
847) One of the most important attribute we must not lose is our good attitude. Once it's lost, we may never find it again.{FRF}
848) Through the Laws of some men and women evil have becomes legal or right. In the Commandments of the Most High Jah, it's the incarnation of Satanism biologically and economically.{FRF}
849) With Jah there is always happiness; but the rigorous teachings of life is there to learn from traveling on the paths and if your lessons is not learned, the ultimate sadness will be in full effect. {FRF}
850) All the days of life are good even when there are bad things happening, so let not some Ppl actions determined what's wrong or right because in Jah all things are accurate.{FRF}
851) One of the most important attribute we must not lose is our good attitude. Once it's lost, we may never find it again.{FRF}
852) Let no one affairs or business be of more interest than yours. Theirs may look blooming yet so gloomy because it lack the spiritual light to shine brightly.{FRF}
853) You can educate a person to be who they are, and once they learn to be that somebody, you becomes their enemy.{FRF}
854) Life's gains have no speed limits so take your time with each day, as it will unfolds even if you are not around.{FRF}
855) The whole world is fighting for Human rights, Equal rights, Sexual rights and various rights.
Where is the fight for Ivine Spiritual InIversal Rights of Jah's Creation against human corruption and impurities.{FRF}
856) Never be caught up in what others are doing, keep focus on the things you should be doing. Fame is a fake game that can make one stray from righteousness.{FRF}
857) Don't feel comfortable doing what would make others unholy.The returns is very uncomfortable.{FRF}
858) Once you dispels the way to be what you are not, and don't have the need for others achievements, envy and greed will be defeated.{FRF}
859) Think healthy, talk healthy, eat healthy, drink healthy; do all that is healthy to be healthy and life's reverence will grant you that healthy living.{FRF}
860) Just as the Sun remains and keep shining behind the darkest cloud, let your love for humanity be the same in the darkest days.{FRF}
861) Spiritual and physical guidance are essential on the trod of life because more time some bad things can happen while doing what's good or right.{FRF}
862) The earth and iniverse is never in disarray but mankind. It was created perfectly accurate before dominion was given. {FRF}
863) Telegnosis is beyond the eye-mind of those who knows not Jah blessings. They can't see or defines the wisest thoughts and becomes perturbed as to where it's kept and from which it's communicated.{FRF}
864) I don't live a Facebook life. I live a family life. So if you are living off likes and comments you will be very disappointed with me because I may miss the post you values the most. And although I write poems and quotes I'm not expecting a toast so I can boast. I will look out for your birthday. {FRF}
865) A person can quote all the spiritual scriptures there is, if their daily living or lifestyle is not of an exemplary conduct to the Iniverse, it never be full of life's examples for others to be an allegiant.{FRF}
866) The body nourishes the spirit. The healthy food we eat gives energy to soars. The positive thoughts we formulate transform into God's word. We can choose and create the living we wish because the earth is our playground on which we all train. Life has many dreams and will never be told if we keep on sleeping.{FRF}
867) Love is dynamic and will never changes its state as people, seasons, surroundings, circumstances, or time. It will always be what it is today forever. It is like the Sun in its expression and manifestation. It is Jah Lord that was, is and always be for years and years and years fulduring many forms. {FRF}
868) Choose carefully what you are going to meditate upon. You can ultimately become whatever you meditate. Evil begins with a thought, so is good.{FRF}
869) Jah words will accomplish all the good it is sent out to do. Find the balance in your judgement and be whole in your thinking. {FRF}
870) Renew your minds daily in Jah's presence. His grace is I-tagious and his words becomes a lifeline in your good mediation on him.{FRF}
871) Most times we stumble, sometimes we may fall. In each happenings be humble, as Jah is the restorer of Us all. {FRF}
872) "A truth" is different from "The truth." The truth is as the ground which we walk upon everyday and will only be accepted when some of us fall and hurt our self. Truth remain factual and realistic.{FRF}
873) Reupholstering of a lie can becomes so real that it supersedes the truth of life and the natural mind. {FRF}
874) Don't be distracted by the criticaster; keep your risibility and move forward.{FRF}
875) Negative attitudes are like unproductive seeds planted in fertile soil. They will never germinate, no matter how much water they receive.{FRF}
876) There are some who refused to adhere to the command of life and die in the process of learning. Take heed or you may suffer the consequences of being indiscipline.{FRF}
877) Some ppl noise are so silent, it makes even the deaf impaired worst.{FRF}
878) Love brings foison of joy to the righteous.{FRF}
879) Some people fear the acceptance of the truth that they rather sticking to the evil they learned and know.{FRF}
880) Collective security is the ultimate measure of life and time for humanity. Use it against the enemies of ignorance, poverty, diseases and they will be defeated. {FRF}
881) I don't need the Bible or any books to validate who I am. Life has exist millions of light year before they were written and plagirised from the Chronicles of our Origin.
The Black civilization and the Dynastic period was invaded and destroyed by those who were critical of our existence just to gain ascendency of the Architecture,Art,Literature,Engineering,Language,Medicine,Science and Spirituality. The so-called great scholars was perturbed and baffled of the advancement of our time and creations that they invented a conspiracy theory to derail the truth in claiming of our land and origin.
Even some of our own dehumanize us through slavery with the beginning of the trade,which was forced by circumstances and expediency to replace our identification.
Today, I stand proud by the works and sacrifice of my great ancestors through their resurrection,life and time for who I am to hail and chant Jah Ras Tafari in resistance and responding to this evilous atrocities against humanity.
In moving forward, love who you are and not what they made you has become. Act,think and research inside of you where all the chronology of truth lives!!! {FRF}
882) Men, love all the women there is, but don't try having sex with them all. Remember, some are she-made. {FRF}
883) Longing to belong, is the greatest human longings of all longing, and to be a part of that great thing which we are belonging.{FRF}
884) All of us are mommy‘s baby, yet some of us are daddy's maybe. Great are us who are parental surely.{FRF}
885) No one knows when Jah will close His book, as there are no graduations from the school of life other than death. It doesn't matter how rich or poor, old, young or what age you are, no one have seen it all. One thing for certain, He does save the best for the pure.{FRF}
886) Black people, discontinue to be mis-led by allegory because our identity was removed by the oppressors who force an eponym on us through the ages. Being who you is, is not hating who they are.{FRF}
887) Lifespec' and Reggaespec' to all the ppl of the Earth. Fuljoy in simplicity, Jah blessings flow in multiplicity with no complexity.{FRF}
888) Once you have a disrespectful attitude towards positivity, there is no way your character and esteemed will be at the level that anyone would want to be attracted to.{FRF}
889) Don't be heal with people's hurt, going forward may not be the learning experience you really worth gaining.{FRF}
890) Black ppl discontinue to be mis-led by allegory because our identity was removed by the oppressors who force an eponym on us through the ages. Being who you is, is not hating who they are.{FRF}
891) No one knows when Jah will close His book, as there are no graduations from the school of life other than death. It doesn't matter how rich or poor, old, young or what age you are, no one have seen it all. One thing for certain, He does save the best for the pure.{FRF}
892) Longing to belong, is the greatest human longings of all longing, and to be a part of that great thing which we are belonging.{FRF}
893) Men, love all the women there is, but don't try having sex with them all. Remember, some are she-made.{FRF}
894) All of us are mommy‘s baby, yet some of us are daddy's maybe. Great are us who are parental surely.{FRF}
895) All things will be possible looking through the window of time. Just be alive so the reality can be effective.{FRF}
896) Life and time are gifts most precious yet no one can owned. If you don't make use of both, they will slip away. Once lost, they will be gone and owes you nothing in return but memories to remind you of the waste.{FRF}
897) I'm not impressed or attracted by women's beauty, big bottom or breast. The things that caught my attention is their spiritual character, impeccable personality and their educative brain. Everything else is vain.{FRF}
898) Be careful in adapting the bedroom practices of sex-ciety, it will take you in holes you may never get out of.{FRF}
899) Not even a wept Jah would shed much less tears,hearing the Devil complaining about the amount of bad characters choosing his ways and getting turned off.{FRF}
900) Tears can be the passionate love you felt endlessly for others while a smile can be the opposite to disguise the pains of life. So if you see me crying, it maybe how I'm feeling about you today while my screw have nothing to do with you.{FRF}
Check out:
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13 - (Part 4)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13 - (Part 3)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13 - (Part 2)
Quotes of MIGHTYFUL13 - (Part 1)
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